o the past few weeks I've been actively involved with a swing dance community in Busan. Ever since I arrived in January 2010 I've looked far and wide for a swing dancing group

to join. I've heard of some in other cities but was never able to find them or get a contact about it. FINALLY randomly, I stumbled upon a flier on one of the english websites and kept in touch with a woman about it. About a month ago, my friend Katie and I got the guts to check it out. We were definitely the only foreigners there in a room of Koreans (always a bit intimidating). A few people asked us to dance which we did but we were so nervous and really didn't know what to do. It'd been a long time since my swing dancing days in San Diego. I had a lot of catching up to do. So Katie joined the classes and we've learned so much already. I was going to take classes as well however I was going to miss a lot of them due to weekend trips I have planned. But we've been going to the swing dancing bar every Saturday for the past 2 months now and it's been so much fun. However, it wasn't until we had the swing dancin

g retreat that we were finally 'accepted' and people were able to talk to us, etc.
So we were invited to the swing dancing retreat. We weren't sure what to expect from it. We knew that they rented a pension in Sojudong which is VERY close to us...next city over. We took a taxi to the pension which was literally on a mountain beside a stream. It was very gorgeous and scenic. I got to see a view of my city of Seochang that I hadn't seen before. It was so relaxing and tranquil.
And then the games began. We were divided into 4 or 5 teams.
Game 1: 4 legged race relay race. Now I'd done 3 legged races before but not a 4 legged race. so 3 of us at a time run to the end of the path, around the stick, and back to our group, and the next group ties their legs up and goes. It was quite hilarious actually. It was tough to get the rhythm down perfectly when you have 3

people. Some teams

were totally cheating lol. They'd have a big guy in the middle and 2 girls on the outside and he'd pick them both up and just run. Or 2 guys on the outside and girl in the middle and they'd pick up the girl, etc. Katie's group actually had a really good stride going. My team didn't win that one lol.
Game 2: Human Pile-up. This was by far my favorite game. I'd never thought of this ever and it was so much fun! 8 people per team, and u have to figure a way to pile up so that only like 3 or 4 feet are touching the ground. It was HILARIOUS!!! Especially since I couldn't understand


nything that was happening. They just kept telling me to climb on so-and-so's back. The first round was only having 5 feet on the floor, 2nd round was 4 feet, and 3rd round was 3 feet. Oh lord it was tough. I feel so bad for the guys who were piled on and stepped on. What good sports

they were :) It was great watching the other teams too. In this other picture is Katie's team. Well a butt shot of her lol (she'll totally hate me for saying that lol)!! She some how got managed to et piled on. I think my team either came in 1st or 2nd place with this game. I never would've thought about something like this but I will definitely keep it in mind for any other situations. So fun!!
Game 3: was fun but not as fun as the others. We had 4 or 5 pieces of paper and we had to go from point A to point B but could only step on the papers and with 1 foot each so people were running all over putting one in front of the other, people falling over, losing their balance, etc.
Game 4: Couple Dodgeball. Now everyone's played dodgeball, but couples dodgeball?!!? OMG it was fantastic! lol. So couples dodgeballs is that everyone is in a girl/guy couple. The guy is the protector. He can get hit by the ball as much as anyone wants to hit him. The girl has to hold on to him some how and if the girl is hit then they are out. So Round 1 was just holding onto him and following him around. I held on to my partners belt loops. Round 2 was getting on his back. So now he's running around giving me a piggy back ride. Which i thought was gonna be tough. But Round 3, I couldn't hold on to

him!!! My hands had to be in th

e air. So he ran

around holding onto my legs for dear life. My pants kept getting lower and lower and knew i was going to moon someone eventually lol. Felt bad for the people around me. Round 4....he couldn't touch me. So he's running around with me on his back, my hands in the air, and his hands in front of him, and he's trying keep me on his back...oh my god!! It was a mess!! It was a fantastically awesome, fun mess. WE WON!! :) I was very proud. His poo

r back though lol.
Somewhere along the way there was a bit debate about a game...which resulted in a massive 'rock/paper/scissors' match with everyone. I love that 'rock/paper/scissor' or 'gowi/bowi/bow' solves any issues anyone ever had in the world :)
Those games sound like so much fun!!! Human pile up is definitely my favorite :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, good call on the RSP solving the world...
"Hey, I want your land!"
"No way, I want YOUR land!"
"Rock!! Scissor!! Paper!!"
...."Aww, man... okay fine, you can take over my country.."
I can totally see it.
I am looking for swing dancing in Busan! Where is the club you went to? When do they meet? Could you e-mail me info please?