TAYLOR: so we're at a pub, pre-music festival, doing our pre-drinking
me, william, danielle, kate. I'm giving danielle a lot of hell because thats what i do best, and
then she turns it around on me and says, "you know what, if you REALLY loved me, you'd get on the floor and squirm like a snake." So i look her square in the eye and say "fine!" and instantly throw my chair back from the table, to stand up with defiance and squirm like a snake as requested.
TAYLORS FRIEND: That would be a great fb status!
TAYLOR: what i DIDNT know was that a server was passing behind me with a tray full of cocktails.. i hit him square in the hip, thank god nothing flew anywhere, but he looked incredibly startled and i turned around in horror, apologising over and over. Anyway, i turn back to everyone, who are laughing their asses off, and i point my finger at danielle and i (half) shout, YOU SET ME UP!!!!! so i threaten to get her back, things settle down, time goes by
well, jenny and conor are on the other side of the table, throwing phones (because why not)
and they keep ending up in my general area. so i confiscate all the phones and put them in my scarf (like right up against my neck) for safe keeping. Will says, 'you realize that someones gonna call at some point and it's gonna take you 100% by surprise' i laugh, agreeing with him, but dont do anything about it. I go over to the other side of the pub to talk to dave and george, meander over to hailey after a little bit, dance with myself, and then mike comes over and says, 'hey i've got two beers, you want this one?' to which i obviously reply, 'yes!' so he goes back to the table where he's joined will, kate, and danielle. so i follow him to chat with him and thank him for the beer. and as i'm approaching where he's sitting, all of a sudden i feel like, an EXPLOSION!
I dont know what it is or where it's coming from, i freak out, and my very full beer goes all over mike (the one who gave it to me), so i'm freaking out, trying to pat him down (awkward), and after i calm down a bit i realize it was one of the phones. I pull it out, check who called.... it was william!!! so i look up at him... 'you fucker'
TAYLOR: i turn to kate who has up until this point not done a single thing and i say, 'i'm watching you. you're all in this together. you're trying to take me down, but i'm watching you, and you wont be able to do it.' she swears innocence ... an hour or two goes by i'm leaving
TAYLORS FRIEND: I have faith in her!
TAYLOR: i go up to them and i say, 'hey guys, see you at the show' and kate says, 'take your
she says, 'no no no you have to, it's lucky. everyone kiss the lucky condom for taylor.' It gets passed around the table one last time she shoves it into my hand and in an effort to get the hell out of there, i stuff it in my pocket and leave.......stupid lucky condom
so i get to the show and almost instantly i meet some guy i've never seen before, seems nice,
interesting, i've been talking to him for about 3 minutes when i find something... strange in my pocket. i fish it out and hold it up so i can see it..... and it's the condom! so now i'm standing in front of this nice strange man, holding a condom up in the air and he says, ".... i JUST met you."
....and i just look at the condom....shake my head...and curse her... because damnit, she wasnt even there and she got me!
my damn friends suck...but at least they're funny about it .... i hate them. in a nice way. kind of.
TAYLORS FRIEND: I like it. Awesome
TAYLOR: they said they would watch out for my counter-strike, but we all agreed, i'm too lazy for that.