Happy 2010... again :) I've had a great holiday weekend, trying new things, and hanging out with new friends, etc. My 4 day weekend couldn't have imagined it going any better :)
Early Saturday afternoon, I took a bus to meet my friends Lacey and Gillian (and their friend Christina) in Ulsan... another big city about 25 minutes from me (20 min. south is Busan and 25 min. north is Ulsan). We wanted to get away and do something fun but not go too far. With the snow the past 2 days, we weren't sure what to expect. Luckily the snow stopped Saturday morning, it was just still really cold. We got a cheap motel to unload our

bags. As cute and little it was, it is so strange knowing that the "love room" (as it's translated) is purely used for people to have sex for a couple hours. Not really used for traveling, etc. The room had many products, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, hairspray, etc as well as 'personal products' condoms, lubricant, even dirty tv. So wierd lol. I tried not to think about it and just laugh it off a bit.
After we unloaded, we walked the town in search for a BBQ lunch. Well we didn't really think about it being a holiday weekend and most things being closed. There were soooooo many places closed. W

e found the downtown area and there was

close to no one there! We were so surprised. We thought it'd be easy to find a place to eat lunch but it was actually tough...we wound up finding a BBQ place and enjoyed a nice meal (my first meal where we actually sit on the floor). We really weren't sure what to do after, so we roamed around and wound up at another 'bar' that opened early. Turns out that some of the 'bars' here, you can order a drink but you must order food as well. I say 'bar' because, it looks like a bar atmosphere, but nice. Maybe more like a lounge atmosphere? But yes, you have to order food. Since it was early, we were the only one's there and we had just eaten, e just ordere

d some soju and a fruit platter. So yummy :) I love fruit. Surpringly, fruit and veggies are actually quite expensive at the grocery store...more than home I think. So it's nice to eat a bunch when you can. Once we finished there, we stopped by Paris Baguette (the popular bakery chain around here) and decided that we needed to pick up a Valentine's Day cake for ourselves. So we did. It was so pretty :) (the cake the right). However, we did see this little cake there as well. We thought it was so cute because it said 'travel' on it. So 19,000 won is equal to just about $19. Not too b

ad right? It's so cute!! So we headed back to our motel, showered, got ready for the evening, and ate our

yummy cake. Yes, the candles was to celebrate us girls on Valentines day :) lol. Nerdy? Absolutely. Funny part was that we didn't think to get plates or forks or chopsticks or anything. The motel had coffee cups so we all ate the cake in coffee cups and with our fingers lol. That was a sight to be seen for sure.
When we finally left the motel, we were headed to a bar called Elune when we got stopped by some random f

oreign guys who convinced us to go into another lounge type place called Bee. They asked us to sit with them, but we were happy getting our own booth. We ordered a kiwi flavored drink that was yummy! Maybe it had soju in it...apparently you can mix soju with anything. To make t

his story short, we had some drinks, another fruit platter, met and hung out with some more s.african people (they were a bit sketchy), then headed to Beat Bar (which we heard was good). Beat bar had a live korean band playing but they played a few american songs. They were actually quite good. The amps were up a bit too high though, to the point where it was unenjoyable. However, we danced while we could. Gillian was funny. when she dances, she pulls everyone in to dance with her. The korean girls were so shy but excited to be dancing. Definitely puts a smile on everyones face. While we were there, a korean guy took a liking to Gillian. She told him she wanted to go to noraebong (karaoke bar) and boy he never let us forget it the rest of the night. We decided we wanted to leave Beat Bar... to loud, so we headed to Elune which was more of a clubby place. The guy was very aggressive about trying to get us to go to noraebong but we wanted to go to elune first. So he agreed he'd go with us to Elune first if we did noraebong after (p.s. it was us 4 girls... who did he think he was trying to make our decisions for us? Yes we were very annoyed). Apparently Elune is a club, with a cover charge, etc... which we were not about to pay. Luckily Gillian, had had a bit too much to drunk, was gutsy to the point of just pushing past security and dragging us girls in... Korean guys must've paid for us lol. They ca

me over to us again with beers for all of us. He must've really liked her.

By this point, it must've been 1am... I was coming down from my buzz and ready to head home soon. But Gill was on a roll. She was so funny. Dancing on top of the speakers, pretty much bouncing the bouncers. The club was actually pretty dead. We were only there for a little bit and we left. I think the rest of us girls were ready to go to bed, but Gill was VERY intent on singing Lucy in the Sky of Diamonds... and again, this guy was sooooooo pushy! I think we were all about to clobber him. Again, literally pushing us out the door, not letting us talk about our plans, keeping Gill's purse hostage until we got there. He was a creeper for sure. We went to 3 karaoke bars. The first 2 were full or something and finally got into the last one. We finally get to noraebong and everyone sings for awhile. The karaoke bars here are a bit different. You rent a room for an hour or so. Room has long table, songlist, etc and you control everything. It's your own private karaoke room. I kinda felt bad because the guys obviously paid for us to be there, paid for snacks, food, and a huge pitcher of beer. We sang maybe 6 songs, and took off. By then it was 3am and we were DYING... definitely can't hang like I used to anymore lol. Getting too old. Something very strange was, that when we had checked into our motel, we asked the lady 'do we pay now or later?' and she said later... well at 3am when we got back, she wanted us to pay... wierd?? Overall, we had a really good night and time in Ulsan. We left the next afternoon
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