Monday, April 11, 2011

Out with the Old, in with the New in Springtime

Happy April everyone!! And Thank God April is here. March was a bit of an intense month me...quite possibly one of the hardest I've had since being in Korea. Everything from faultering relationships, friends leaving, and work (among other things. Needless to say, I was in a sad place. It was the first time that I realized how much I'm looking forward to going home. Seems like no matter where you go, the same kind of drama follows you around. And every time you try to have faith in people or you let your guard down, you're once again reminded of why it was up in the first place...and why, you should never let it down ever again. Definitely not the easiest life to lead, but it has to be better than constant disappointment. The good part, is that I'm WAAAAAAAY too nice and forgiving with some things. I can forgive and move on. Somethings just aren't worth dwelling on (which has actually proven to be one of my downfalls in the past. However, at this point in life, I just can't be bothered).

So On to April :) Where the countdown begins, the sunshine comes out, and many more happier memories ahead :)
Some things on the agenda... Jinhae Cherry Blossom festival, Templestay, Jeju Island, Namhae Island, Folk Village and DMZ in Seoul, Tattoo, and spending as much time with Jennifer Scott as I can :)
In case I forgot to mention, in January, my friend Jenny moved here to Korea. She was my roommate when I studied abroad in Italy. She's from LA as well and we've remained very close through the years. Though I didn't get her here in Busan, she's only an hour bus ride away so we've had many good times already and there will be more to come I'm sure. I'm so happy to have her here. It couldn't have been better timing :)

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